Seeking searching looking delving

Recently, I changed my "Whatsapp" status to Seeking, searching, looking, delving, hunting, gunning, pursuing.....". The remarks I got for this status are quite amusing. Some people only took the later part of status of "hunting, gunning" etc. and asked me whats going on. I told them that I am exactly doing what is written in the status. But it is mostly for knowledge and experiences, and not for a man as they seem to understand or imply.

Isn't it amazing how people perceive as per their limited experience and knowledge and then insist that there interpretation is the right one. I should admit that I used to be like that too and have never been a keen observer. A quality that I am trying to develop only so late in my life. Observing your surroundings can teach you so many things that you don't learn from books. Life's most interesting and important lessons can be derived only by observing people and overall happenings around you. This is part of social learning that I never learnt when I should have as I was too engrossed in my own world of books and their characters instead of real life characters and behaviours. The result was a very self conscious and awkward behaving adult who couldn't understand why people behaved the way they did and what was the real meaning behind words and gestures. I took and still do (sometimes) everything at face value.

I now realise that observation is an important part of anybody's growth. God has give us two eyes and two ears so that we can observe. We should be listening and watching more than speaking. For a chatterbox like me this is quite a difficult task:) However am trying. Listening is one observation skill which comes very handy in your adult life. Listening attentively in work place can give you pulse of the office and also gives you enough information to help you take informed decisions. Being observant to details also increases productivity. Observant people are more engaged in their surroundings, they are mindful of activities going around them.

Being observant can also be a tool to communicate well. It enhances your ability to interact and give right responses. The good news for people like me is that learning to focus and being mindful are activities which can be improved at any stage of life. The best way to be mindful is to keep your mind focused on the present task. Putting things on paper can also be a tool to be mindful as it forces you to look for details in everything. This is what I am doing for past few months. I am not sure how much has it increased my observation power but it has definitely given me some insights about myself:)

Few weeks back one of my colleagues told me to be more attentive about people's body language. To me it doesn't come easily but this is a powerful technique to be socially intelligent. Recently, I came to know about Mr Orrin Hudson who is a motivational speaker and chess champ. Orrin teaches young kids chess and through chess skills to be more focused. I am a fairly good chess player but I have never been a keen observer. Right now I am trying to find more tools to apply in my daily life so that I develop more focus and strategy.


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