Travel and quest for life

Sometimes I wonder what is it that makes people travel. Is it the natural curiosity to see other places, an urge to find what lies beyond familiar surroundings, better prospects in comparison with the current situation, need for a change, boredom, attraction of unknown, or in modern times it can also be a reason to boast amungst friends.

People have different reasons to travel. Some travel to explore the world, find out about the unknown or unfamiliar things. Learning about new things is like being a child again. New things and alien cultures can surprise you and enrich your experiences. Trying new things and meeting new people expands awareness and makes you a more accepting person. 

Some people travel to get away from the routine. They want to unwind and travel brings that much needed break to rejuvenate. They escape their daily lives for some period by traveling and it does give their mind and body a boost required to live a healthy life. Such people reduce stress and gain strength by traveling. 

Recently while talking to a friend I came across another reason for traveling. He told me about a girl who travels to empower herself by doing things which she doesn't have the courage to do at home. She defies social norms of her very conservative society and lives only for herself for the period she is traveling. This reason might sound weird to many but having visited many countries where girls are so suppressed and bound by societal pressure I can really understand her need to feel free even if it is while traveling out of country for short periods. 

Whatever the reason travel always brings out the best and worst in people. People find them selves by wandering. They come to know things about their own self which they wouldn't have known had they not traveled. Travel forces you to come out of your comfort zone and is a sure shot way to test your patience. Okay, may be I am generalising too much. So lets just say  I travel to find good and bad about myself and my reactions and reflections with my surroundings in a changed environment. It really helps me to know myself better. 

I love to meet new people and go to their homes. In my recent trip to Dhaka I visited a local home. People in Dhaka generally are very hospitable and visiting a normal family was indeed a pleasurable experience. The food was really good. This definitely proves one thing that I love home cooked food. Most Dhaka families are joint families. This family is headed by an ailing Septuagenarian who told me many stories of how his friends in India helped him when his wife was operated in India.  I felt a natural bonding with this family as I also have an ailing father. The loving way in which the old man was talking about his wife and family reminded me of the mortality of life. We blink and our whole lives are gone. He made me reflect about the purpose of living. I felt that we should live life instead of wasting it on petty things. 

I wish that all of you find your true self while traveling which in turn will bring you closer to life. 


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