Celebrating life

This is 3rd January and here I am sitting at Doha airport waiting for my connecting flight to Baku. As usual instead of sleeping or reading I am watching people wandering at the airport and brooding over things. I must be staring at some Burqa clad lady because she just offered me nuts although she is sitting three empty chairs from me. A very cute way to tell me to stop staring :)This made me stop looking at people and do something constructive hence decided to write.

This is supposed to be my first journey of 2016. I am thinking what is it that is different between this journey and numerous others that I have had earlier or will go on later. I realised that there is no major difference. So what makes this the first journey of the year? Why should it be a first or middle or last journey of the year? Is it because the date of the calendar has changed from 2015 to 2016? Why do we keep counting time? Why does our lives revolve around the calendars and watches?

Of course it is necessary to count time for a certain routine and discipline in daily life but by counting time in minutes, hours, days, weeks, months and years we have really devided our lives into these many units and that is how we have programmed ourselves to live. We have to do certain things at certain times of the year. We celebrate various festivals in a year not because we feel like celebrating but because the world surrounding us, is celebrating them. We have even fixed certain rituals to go with each festival and celebration. For example there is a tradition to take stock of our lives, look back at the previous year, reflect on our mistakes and achievements and make new resolutions only at the time of change of calendar year. Why do we reflect on the time gone by only at the time of new year? Isn't it because entire world is doing so and hence we have conditioned our minds to take stock of our deeds only at the beginning of each calendar year.

I personally think that we shouldn't be celebrating life only at certain times just because entire world is doing so. Celebration should be a part of life each day and every day. One can always argue that no one can be in a party mood all the time and daily life doesn't allow us that. However my argument to that is that celebrations doesn't mean party mood. Its the feeling of a high that you get while celebrating that we are looking for and it is not really that difficult to achieve in daily lives. We just have to condition our mind for that just like we have conditioned our minds to celebrate only when the whole world is celebrating something.

Celebrating life can be a daily affair. We just need to appreciate the things we have in our lives. The sunrise, the moonlight, the clouds, the flowers, music that makes you feel good, someone smiling at you or you making a difference to this world in one way or the other. This feeling of feeling hopeful and good comes when we feel that we are doing things right and that things are in our control. Fear of unknown is so strong that we forget to appreciate simple things in life and are always focused on the end result of anything rather than enjoying the moment. So lets take control of present moment and feel happy for this particular moment rather than trying to take control of future. Let's celebrate this moment instead of counting what year, what stage or what situation in life we are. I am sure that life is beautiful right at this moment and no other moment can be more beautiful than the present moment and this is my new year and all my life. So lets condition our minds to celebrate life as many times a day as possible. Let's not wait for special occasions to celebrate, make resolutions or take stock of things. Any moment is good to feel good, change for better or celebrate life. 


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