Perception is mother of all **** ups!

Someone recently told me that perception is mother of all f*** ups. That made me think; "what has perception got to do with 'F*** ups". As it turns out, perception has everything to do with it. We just perceive some things because we have those beliefs out of common knowledge, fleeting experiences and convenience, not only convenience but also fun to remain in the dark. When it comes to perception we mainly rely on our five senses and obviously perceive whatever is most convenient and enjoyable to the senses without bothering to find the reality. We make opinions based on these perceptions and some times completely forget how much it can harm others.

Just today one of my colleague commented something jokingly which is enough to spoil my reputation. I am well aware that he knows the reality but it is always more fun to feed people's perception. Moreover why deviate from something which is more juicy gossip and have fun at some female's expense than be a gentleman and defend the reality. Welcome to the Indian corporate scene where every woman is considered to do well not because she is intelligent, hard working, skilled or capable but just because she is a 'woman'. It is commonly perceived that all the things come easy to her as she is getting all sorts of attention from important people. In India a female employee has to fight for smallest of dues to prove her existence as a human being and not only as a woman. She has to defend her choices even in her dressing. If she wears western "Oh she is very 'Chalu' " and if she is wearing traditional "oh, she only pretends to be conservative or simple". The perception about women that has been created in Indian corporate world shows the overall way women are perceived here in India.

Amazing that we have strong female 'Goddesses' and Hindu religion considers all of nature as a feminine power. So if we have such values and such religious views then how come our society perceives a woman just as an object and at the most a manipulator. How have we come to perceive women in such a manner. I think a strong factor in creating this perception is the segregation of the society into male and female sections. We don't let the two gender know each other. We have to have a name for every male-female relationship or one is not allowed to know or understand the other half. Of course perceptions breed because no one bothers or even allowed to check reality.

Change in perception can only come when we finally decide not to be prisoner of these perceptions and interact with reality or at least interact with a different perspective. A different perspective or to see something from a different angle can make a world of difference. To understand reality's true nature we should be willing to change the perspective and see the other's point of view. For that to happen we need to open up. Open up not only within ourselves but also with the other half of the world. I am sure that this condescending perception about female employees in Indian corporate can change and is changing because certain people are willing to open their minds and hearts. However, rest are still living in their own perceptions and enjoying it as it suits very well with self absorbed but voyeuristic attitude of male fraternity. So till the time things change let perception be the mother of all misconceptions:)


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