Let go!

Rule 34: Submission does not mean being weak or passive. It leads to neither fatalism nor capitulation. Just the opposite. True power resides in submission a power that comes within. Those who submit to the divine essence of life will live in unperturbed tranquility and peace even the whole wide world goes through turbulence after turbulence.

When we talk about submission people think of two opponents trying to establish supremacy over each other, where one party has to relinquish control or power over to the other. The act of giving up control is seen as submission and usually viewed as something which a person does involuntarily and under pressure. However, submission can be a voluntary act as well. It can be an act of love and surrender to someone or something willingly. When submission is involuntary one is forced to put his ego aside and then serve the other force but when one submits willingly it is an act of faith and putting aside ego is only a small part in this kind of submission.

While thinking about this kind of submission we usually think of two things: one is ego and another is fatalism. Being submissive is usually seen as a not so nice a trait in anyone unless we are talking about Indian brides where it may be considered a virtue:) On a more serious note, submission is considered as acceptance to the powers more forceful than your own ego. People admire assertive nature in humans more than submissive characteristics. Assertive means more confident and more in control of things. Whereas submissive means being weak and being powerless. This is how normally submission is seen as.

Submission, whether voluntarily or involuntarily is not an easy act. When you submit or surrender voluntarily, you are giving up your ego and putting a deep faith in someone or something. Most of us are governed by our own ego. Ego defines one's personality and one's relationship with others. As soon as we talk of submission the first protest is from ego. The question 'why' pops in. Ego doesn't let go of the feeling of power, feeling of control. Ego tells us that only weak and cowards submit or surrender. However, think about it, don't you need more self control and discipline when you surrender than when you are fighting against it? While fighting, you have this intense desire to win and your Adrenalin is working overtime. It is pushing you to act without thinking much. However, doesn't it take more of inner strength to submit than to fight? Submission dissolves the knots of ego, but for that to happen one needs to let go. Enormous inner strength is required to let go of the fear, let go of the control over a person, circumstance, a specific outcome and 'aimed for' future! I think, it is much more difficult to kill your ego and give the steering of your life to someone or something. So, being submissive doesn't mean being weak. One has to be completely in control of his/her mental and emotional faculties to take such a course in life path.

Submission does show inner strength of a person. True submission comes out of the depth of self awareness and true power within. In fact not only does it show the inner strength of a soul but also faith and love. How else one can give freely and without hope of return? To give freely comes out of feeling of love. It is with deep understanding of universe and openness of heart that a person is able to love and ultimately surrender to universe. To believe in ultimate happy ending can be one source of inner strength. However, to me surrendering is an act where the goal is not to find ultimate happiness but to be one or to be united with the one surrendered to. This can only be achieved if one has strong faith and trust in the power you are surrendering to and in your own love for that power, person, circumstance or future.

When Shamz refers to fatalism in relation to submission, he is referring to people who resign to their circumstances because to them everything is predestined and nothing can change it. In India, people surrender and become passive diminishing the power of perseverance by regularly referring to fate and destiny. However, I feel that fatalism is somewhat resigning without appreciating what life has to offer and without attempting to be happy under the given circumstances. Fatalism is accepting everything more out of helplessness and resigning to a more powerful force. Submission on the other hand is trying to reach that higher power by complete surrender and understanding that ultimately everything is happening because your soul needs to grow and become one with that higher power. In this kind of surrender you don't just accept because of helplessness but willingness and work towards attaining the ultimate goal which is to be one with the power that one surrenders to. Submission allows you to believe in a friendly world where you can love, open your heart and be vulnerable and yet believe that everything is happening for your good only.  It also allows total acceptance and trust which leads to peace and happiness.

Submission is not an art everyone knows. I for one have an ego of the size of four football fields if not bigger. My boss and I have many differences but one of his advises that I find is right, is that I should let go of certain things so that my ego doesn't get hurt and I concentrate on more important things than nursing my ego. I try but boy is it difficult! Imagine if letting go in smallest of our day to day actions is so difficult then how can we think of letting go of the control we feel we have while willing things to happen in a certain way. I am trying to let go and have started having a deep faith that any outcome is for my betterment. Off late, I have found out that letting go can be achieved in three steps.

I feel that the first step to let go is to trust. Trust that outcome whether intended or unintended would be good for our soul and would be a necessary outcome for evolving of our soul. Many people who believe in the two-warring powers theory usually believe trust needs to be built up by the more powerful force i.e. the dominating power/person should do certain things to generate trust in the other. However, to me in a scenario where one wants to submit, trust is not a thing which is deliberately created by a more powerful force. So, when someone wants to submit, the emotion or feeling of surrender or devotion is so strong and intense that the trust comes from within the person submitting. Trust comes from conviction that the one you are submitting to is the one you ultimately want to be. However, there are no guarantees and no certainties in it. You have to trust in a relationship and hope that it is not broken and if it is broken then you would be able to deal with it. Trust in self and honesty with your own self, is the foundation on which the trust for the other is built. That's precisely the reason I have written that one needs to have inner strength to submit.

The second step to let go is to stop fretting over details of outcomes. When we fear, we are actually gripping to things at hand more fiercely. Instead of letting go, we start doing everything that may result into what we actually want. In the process we accumulate anxieties, problems, obsessions and crazy worries. Fear is part of the process of submission. It creeps in because we start anchoring ourselves to hope. Hope to be happy and hope that one day you would be one with that higher one. However, once you stop clinging to attachments (people, things, outcomes) and start detaching yourself, you are allowing things and moving with the flow. What happens when a person is moving with the flow? One doesn't have to struggle, life becomes easier. Going with the flow also makes you in alignment with whatever higher energies there are. If fear creeps in, which it would from time to time, the trick is to feel the fear and then letting go of it by living one day at a time, by not doubting that the other person/power is and always will be with you. The inner peace that such a faith brings is the outcome of submission.

The third and final step in surrendering, is to love. Love the creation and everything and everyone in it. Understanding that all of it is here for a reason and that reason is to make you grow and evolve, makes the process of letting go and loving easier.

Shamz says, 'surrender will bring unperturbed peace and tranquility'. It is not only this.  Surrender brings happiness, well-being, and satisfaction which makes journey of life easy. Shamz is absolutely right: 'Those who submit to the divine essence of life will live in unperturbed tranquility and peace even the whole wide world goes through turbulence after turbulence.


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