
Rule 26: The universe is one being. Everything and everyone is interconnected through an invisible web of stories. Whether we are aware of it or not, we are all in a silent conversation. Do no harm. Practice compassion. And do not gossip behind anyone’s back – not even a seemingly innocent remark! The words that come out of our mouths do not vanish but are perpetually stored in infinite space and they will come back to us in due time. One man’s pain will hurt us all. One man’s joy will make everyone smile.

Hindus have a fortnight dedicated to fulfilling the desires of their ancestors. It is called ‘Pitru Paksh’ (Fortnight of Ancestors). It is believed that whatever is donated in this fortnight straight away fulfils the unsatisfied desires of their ancestors. It has always been a confusing thing for me because we are always told about the life and death cycle of the soul; we are also told about the ‘moksha’ (Nirvana). So, why do we have this fortnight to fulfil the desire of the dead people. Hence, the concept of paying our respect and regards to the souls of ancestors in the form of donation to satisfy their unfulfilled desires, was something I did not understand. On one side, it is told that souls are reborn again and again until they attain ‘moksha’ and on the other hand, we are supposed to fulfil the unmet desires of the departed souls. This essentially means that the soul is existing somewhere in the universe and has certain desires which it could not fulfil while being in the physical form. My father, who followed this ritual religiously, was not able to explain the relevance. 

It is only recently that I met one of the gurus who explained it in a manner that was simple. He has explained the very core of ‘Sanatan Dharma’ or Hinduism as they call it in the West. He asked me whether I believe that everything in this world is energy. I had to agree, as even Einstein confirmed it ;) He said that our body and mind also are made up of the genetic information that we have received from our ancestors and are also a form of energy. He then told me that even our thoughts carry certain kind of energy. So, the energy of the unfulfilled desire of our ancestors is still somewhere in the universe and is connected to us because our genetic code is similar to it. Therefore, even if a soul has taken rebirth somewhere else, the energy of thought is still present in the universe and it affects our actions as the genetic information we carry is similar to the energy of the thought of our ancestors. To free ourselves from that karmic or genetic debt and also to offer gratitude for the positive energy and information that we have thanks to our ancestors, we remember them and donate things to create harmony in the universe. This act frees us from whatever negative energies that were hanging around us which were being an obstruction in living our lives independently. This may seem quite a hocus pocus explanation to others but I found it quite fascinating and understandable. 

All over the world, moreover in indigenous cultures, we see that people pay respect and express gratitude to their ancestors on certain days. This can’t be a coincidence. Indigenous people know that we are interconnected. They, therefore, establish deep connections with their surroundings which include the dead ancestors as well. Hinduism, in fact, takes it one step further with the concept of reincarnation which can be in any form depending on a person’s karma. Depending on one’s karma, a person can be reborn as a human, animal, insect, plant, river or a rock. Therefore, everything is extended network of relationships, interconnected through time and space. This makes them respect and revere not only Gods but everything in the nature be it a river for eg. Ganges or animals for eg. cows, monkeys or ravens. 

Modern science is explaining interconnectedness in its own way. Astro-physicist Tom Chi says that, “we are connected through our heart, breath and mind due to evolution. Our heart molecules contain the same iron particles with which the entire universe is made of, we breath the same oxygen which is produced by the plants through photosynthesis and our mind carries the information of all the organisms who existed before us. It is because of the evolution and the knowledge of each previous generation that we are what we are today.” In his opinion, everything, right from single cell organisms billions of years ago to every molecule that exists now in the universe, has contributed to what the world is right now. This shared physical and cognitive evolution makes us interconnected with each other. With this consciousness of connectedness we can contribute to shaping our present and future. We are not just insignificant dots in the universe but powerful mediums of change. The way we connect to our own selves, the way we connect with our family and friends and the whole society, and the way we connect with our bio-spheres transform the universe. 

Science and spirituality both emphasize on the interconnectedness albeit in their own fashion.  Shamz describes that the consciousness of our interconnectedness can make people behave in a manner that there can be progress and peace. It is therefore important to understand that compassion, empathy, kindness for others are not only important to create a good society but also to get happiness and safety for our own selves. 

I believe that doing any good deed can create harmony in the world that surrounds us. You do not have to do great deeds to be kind. Just think positive about your own self and about others and that is enough kindness to change the world. For e.g. less of negative self-talk can make us feel better. Similarly, looking at the positive side of someone can change the way one relates to that person or giving affection to the plants can make them flourish better. I have seen many people who were harmed due to baseless gossips but I have also seen gossipers getting into trouble more easily than others. Is it because of their negativity hanging in the air and coming back at them? I don’t know and I do not have a way to prove it. I can’t say that I do not gossip at all but I can definitely say that I am becoming more and more aware of the times when I do gossip and this makes me choose my words carefully. I also can’t prove that it has brought me any joy but it has definitely brought some sense of peace.

I hope that in these times of volatility when neighbours, states and nations are acting as if they are a universe in themselves, we all should remind ourselves of interconnectedness. This will make people think in perspective and make them realise that one man’s pain will hurt us all and one man’s joy is capable of making everyone happy. 



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