Being Positive

Being Positive
Does it pay to be positive all the time? I was just wondering why people insist that one should stay positive all the time. I am a happy go lucky girl but even I feel down sometimes and there are times when I just want to feel a teeny- weeny bit sorry for myself just give loads of sympathetic talk to my sorry self. It gives me excuse to do nothing and it can also give me excuse to eat chocolates which my trainer has strictly prohibited me. Sometimes I feel that all good things are related to sin. Why should bad girls have all the fun? Just imagine just for eating chocolates one has to feel sad and lonely. Is it fair?
Anyhow, am reading ‘The breakthrough experience” by Dr D’martini. The book says that we should live a balanced life and should be able to see opportunity in every crisis and disaster in every elated moment. Until we see the balance in life we can’t be grateful and unless we are in deep gratitude life will keep attracting what we are trying to avoid by always trying for what we perceive is good for us. Interesting point. But I am absolutely sure that things will be real dull if we are not experiencing elation or depression. I am grateful for such a beautiful life that I have but at the same time I keep having moments of extreme joy and disturbing worries. I wonder how can one feel deep gratitude when things are not as per one’s plans.

Anyway, I am really positive nowadays as I have been on diet for a month now. My trainer is not letting me eat normal meals leave aside chocolates and hence there is no option but to be happy;)


  1. This is a nice experience! How do you pen your thoughts so well


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