With or Without You

So, today I was listening to U2 and the song 'With or Without you' which is my favorite song. And that for the first time I was not charged emotionally while listening to this particular song. And wow, what a good thing it was. It got me thinking. Why is it that it is necessary for us to live with or without someone? Is it because we are positioned by the society in such a manner that we always feel it that way or nature has made us that way? Why is it that there has to be a 'You' in our lives. Why can't we feel complete all on our own? God has sent us alone and he takes us back like that too. Still almost all our lives we are after this 'Mrigtrishna' (mirage) of happiness which we feel comes from being with someone.

I feel happy alone too. I would like to share my happiness with someone but this does not mean that the other person influences my state of mind by being or not being there. I feel happy with myself and I feel that if I am happy with me then I am perfectly capable of being a good company. Who likes to be with a cry-baby. All those people who want to gain sympathy votes by getting sad and upset over things should know that this is a short term trick. Doesn't work in the long run. Anyhow, why should I care what others do. As they say in Punjabi "Sanu Ki" (what is it to me).

So here I am feeling happy and grateful about myself. Last 7-8 years I felt happy to go to work and in general felt happy but never ever felt grateful. Now I have started feeling grateful to God. I feel that I am really lucky to be in this zone. I hope to get closer to the creator this way. I may start a new journey soon. This has to be my life ambition of helping people in my own way. I hope it happens soon enough.


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