When intuition goes wrong


When I started this blog I had thought that I shall write regular columns on my travel experiences and shall start a journey to be a successful blogger. Alas, isn’t it amazing how many plans we make. If I was to make a wall out of the plans that I make, I am sure it shall beat the Great Wall of China many times over. I travelled to Nepal, Kenya, Dubai, US and Morocco in last 8 months and no articles to show for it. Well..... I was busy, had no time, very hectic job and the biggest one “I have to work 6 days a week” are the usual excuses that I try to give my other self which keeps shaming me on my behaviour. The self scolding we do may be enough to really put us down but then our other confident self comes to rescue and says but all of these things are true and that I have been BUSY.

Ok so enough of the excuses. I have decided to write my experiences on the blog. I am not going to limit it to travel experiences. This is going to be a place where I let my mind chatter out on paper. This is my way to communicate with myself and writing about my impressions and expressions of my life. If someone reads it then it shall be a bonus but if this blog remains only to be my companion I won’t have any complains. I am not promising to write daily or at regular intervals but I do promise whatever I write would be genuine and my reflections of my limited knowledge of life.

Let’s start by my Monday experiences. I got up and was feeling a little low. Amazing how girls can have mood swings! Sometimes I wonder why is it that we can’t experience what boys experience. The extreme Adrenalin rush that they experience while just thinking about their favourite games or the way they completely forget their girlfriend’s birthdays God should have made us feel like a male for a month and a female for next. What understanding we would have developed for each other. Imagine the break up rate would go down to half. The crime against women shall be curtailed. Males won’t feel so afraid to drive next to a female driver and might appreciate the retail therapy that women go through to take off the stress and females might not make issues when their other halves went to games with their friends and forgot their birthdays and anniversaries. But God had to make us the way we are. Otherwise where will He get all the drama from? After all He also needs entertainment.

So let’s get back to my feeling low. As I was going out of my home I suddenly felt that things are not right and that it shall deteriorate from here. Of late I have started trusting my feelings so this made me feel even worse. What’s funny is what happened during the day. Nothing could have been further from what I felt would be a bad day. Everything worked out well. My mom, who has the habit of keeping things so safely that even she can’t find them later, could find my four pairs of diamond ear rings from and empty case of perfume bottle. If there was to be a theft in my place, the thieves will have tough time searching for valuables. I know all women keep things at odd places, like money in cookie jar and valuables behind the deities’ photographs. As if God’s hand will appear from the photograph and slap the thief for stealing. And... it might also happen that God may give a lecture on the vices of stealing and guide the thief to earn money by respectable means. Anyhow, my jewels which were kept safely could be finally retrieved. This was a pleasant outcome of the five day search.

An unexpected meeting in a company gave pleasant results and towards the end of the day when I was attending one of those National day parties which usually make my job reason for envy by virtually everyone I meet. People don’t realise that I am working there. Meeting Ambassadors is not really such fun as people perceive it to be. You meet almost the same set of people with same kind of polite talks where everyone wants to be politically correct. Sometimes I want to strip the fake smiles off the people’s faces like I would take out a tape stuck to a wall. Anyways so in one of these so called interesting parties I met an Ambassador who is willing to meet me to take things forward on my proposal. FINALLY.... Oh my God. Was I happy? I was so happy that it made me feel that after all the gentleman is cute looking. This coming from a lady who is hardly impressed by somebody’s looks should amount to something. Overall, although trusting intuitions is essential to your existence but what should a man do when they are so off the mark? Any suggestions???


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