Sailing through the difficult phase of life

At this point of time I am going through a difficult phase of my life. It doesn't feel as difficult until I start thinking about it deeply. Then the reality sets in and I feel "oh my God what have I gotten myself into". Come to think of it, everything is in your mind. You can feel happy and sad by just thinking differently about the same situation. It is your heart which makes noises and doesn't let you be at peace when things are not going the way it desires.

There is another thing that makes us miserable and that is our expectations from others. We give but expect back the return. I am doing the same and that is what is causing me misery. I am feeling that I should get back some of what I have been giving. Worse still, I am not only feeling it but demanding it from the other in so many words. Makes me feel very small but can't help it. I think heart has taken over my mind for sometime.

However.....I know that I shall be alright soon. My heart will stop being a child and I shall feel better and see the situation in the whole new light. I know that I am not what I am feeling now. I am much bigger and better than what I am being now. I have to have faith in the universe and its ability to deliver me the very best of everything, I know that I shall sail it through, just need some time and also a lonely room to cry it out:)


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