
Showing posts from 2019

Work in Progress

Rule 14: God is busy with the completion of your work, both outwardly and inwardly. He is fully occupied with you. Every human being is a work in progress that is slowly but inexorably moving toward perfection. We are each an unfinished work of art both waiting and striving to be completed. God deals with each of us separately because humanity is fine art of skilled penmanship where every single dot is equally important for the entire picture. Why does Shamz say that we are ‘work in progress’ and what is the ultimate completion? In spirituality, it is said that souls come to earth to learn and slowly strive towards becoming ‘pure love’ or ‘infinite’ or ‘to be in a state of eternal bliss’ or maybe ultimately attain Nirvana. This process may take many phases, and many lives. It also can be hindered and accelerated by understanding that we are indeed the ‘work of art’ and that we have a purpose in this life.  Even if we leave aside the spiritual part of being a ‘work in progress...

Journey Inwards

Rule 9 : East, west, south, or north makes little difference. No matter what your destination, just be sure to make every journey a journey within. If you travel within, you’ll travel the whole wide world and beyond. My journey of self-development started 10 years back but for many years it remained quite superficial. The goals were to be a better person but underneath there were always material goals like becoming better in communication skills to get better at sales or dealing better with stress to be able to cope with office issues etc. Increasing focus meant paying better attention to work or a movie or a song: in short anything which engaged my senses. There was always something to be gained in terms of mental, physical or financial health by engaging in the tools of self-development.  The actual shift in my perspective started when I started doing meditation. Practicing meditation was kind of a natural progression once I started formally learning about yoga more deeply....

Freedom to choose

Rule 29: Destiny doesn’t mean that your life has been strictly predetermined. Therefore, to leave everything to the fate and to not actively contribute to the music of the universe is a sign of sheer ignorance. The music of the universe is all pervading and it is composed on 40 different levels. Your destiny is the level where you play your tune. You might not change your instrument but how well to play is entirely in your hands. “Everyone believes the world's greatest lie..." says the mysterious old man. "What is the world's greatest lie?" the little boy asks. The old man replies, "It's this: that at a certain point in our lives, we lose control of what's happening to us, and our lives become controlled by fate, by our destiny. That's the world's greatest lie.” This is an excerpt from one of my favourite book,  The Alchemist . I like the way Paulo Cuelho has articulated this concept of destiny or fate. He says that ‘at certain point in...