
Showing posts from February, 2016

Age Appropriate?

Whenever there is a favorite song of mine on the radio, I not only sing along but can do a jig or two while driving the car. This, however, is a highly unacceptable behaviour as per my mom who thinks that I am past the age where such behaviour would have suited me. I keep asking my mom if there is any rule book on age appropriate behaviour for adults. For I have heard about age appropriate behaviour for kids and I do understand that there are certain norms that society expects you to follow once you have a certain type of understanding and maturity. However, if the behaviour doesn't interfere with anyone and is totally for your own pleasure does it have to be age appropriate? What is age appropriate anyway? Different cultures think differently on the same. For eg Hindi has a proverb which says "Buddhi Ghodi Lal Lagaam" which means heavily decorated old mare. In India, it is quite often used for older females who use bright colors or are heavily made up. I find it quite...